"Birth In Birth Out" is part of "Life Notes" series by Lynn Bianchi.
Life Notes - is an ambient experimental film. This work is a video meditation on one’s existence. It arises from the need to look past the confines of traditional photography and use multimedia arts as a language to discuss the meaning of life and our ability to stop and contemplate.
Lynn Bianchi spent several weeks in Connecticut, photographing and filming her friend, artist Doug Rice. Lynn wanted to capture his larger-than-life spirit and restless personality. She felt that his joie de vivre, his hopes, and at the same time his sadness stood for something deep inside us all. A reminder that life is nothing but a circle, and, as they say, everything passes.
The result of that collaboration is Life Notes – an ensemble of experimental videos nestled in magical realism, depicting one’s strange and joyful existence. The film invites self-reflection and pulls the viewer into the dream-like sequences, inviting them to revel in their strangeness and calmness.
Life Notes is a celebration of life and death and passing of time. Sounds of distant music and falling rain draw the audience further in. How can we take the mundane and make it otherworldly for ourselves?
Here Lynn Bianchi creates an environment, where the audience falls into introspection with ease. One’s response to this ethereal imagery is deeply personal.